lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Super-Size me

Today in wellness class we finished watching Super-Size Me... If you haven’t seen it go watch it NOW! It's an amazing documentary about the effects of fast food on our bodies. Basically it's a guy, called Morgan Spurlock, who is in a perfectly good physical state, who decides to undergo a diet for 30 days of JUST McDonald’s food. The

rules are everything he eats must be bought at McDonalds and if asked to supersize he must say yes. Throughout the experiment he has regular medical checkups between the first and last major ones in which all the tests are done to find his various levels of cholesterol, fat, etc.
In this documentary you see how bad fast food really is for you, as well as the marketing schemes and publicity that puts fast food ahead of healthy food for most Americans. It researches how many American's are now obese and goes in to investigating how and why as well as obviously the effect of these disastrous diets. It’s frightening how little most of us know about nutrition and how badly some foods can affect your body. In just 30 days there were numerous of radical changes in Morgan Spurlock's physical and emotional state. Not only that but none of the doctors had predicted the damage that this food could have on him and where surprised to see how quickly this food can become deadly and addictive.

The trouble with being Tall.

Most of my friends are shorter than me and although I'm about average height in England, my friends in Peru and Mexico still tell me I'm a giant. I don't particularly enjoy being tall but none of my smaller friends get it. They feel like being small is so much worse. I completely disagree, for various reasons. Firstly if you're like me and you're not only taller than you're friends but also a bit chubbier you look like a monster next to them, walking down the street with my friends in Peru I have NO chance of ever looking cute or sweet…. No, I look like the weirdly big one. Not only that but also going to parties is harder, I mean have you ever gone to a party in heels, and being taller than most suddenly your even bigger and you look completely out of place dancing with your tiny friends. Another point against being tall is guys… I know that sounds kind of weird, let me explain.
Tall girl + Tall guy = cute
Tall Girl + Short guy = Awkward
Short girl + Tall guy= aww
Short girl +short guy = PRECIOUSSSS ^^

When most Peruvian guys are pretty short you can see how it would be difficult for a tall girl to find a guy who would even think of going out with you, or that you would be open to dating or even dancing with!
I have to admit there are good points to being tall, like for example not having to look up at everyone, also being tall you nearly never have to ask people to reach something that high up for you. I guess both have good sides, the thing is nobody is ever really happy with what they have, or in other words, the grass is always greener on the other side.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Valentine's Day... AWWWWW

Some say Valentine's day is a pointless celebration that was made up by random companies to earn more money, these people may be right about the creation of Valentine's day but, it isn't pointless. It's a day that gives people an excuse to give their loved ones cheesy gifts, a day that people aren't afraid to confess their love… ok I just realized how sickly sweet that sounds… but it's true!! I LOVE Valentine's day, seeing these sweet actions gives you that warm feeling of: the world is good, don't you think?

I love seeing couples get each other really cute gifts, or just doing some sweet gesture for someone else it makes me smile.
I do see the bad side to it however, all the unhappily single people have to spend the whole day seeing couples doing sweet things for each and not have anyone do anything for them, I get it, especially if you've just broken up with someone, so here are a couple of things that you can do on Valentine's day if you're single :)
1. Buy yourself chocolate, it makes everything better
2. Go out with your other single friends and, if you’re a girl, go and get pampered! I'm talking mani, pedi, facial! And if you are a guy…. Get pampered too! There's nothing wrong with a guy wanting to be pampered once in a while!
3. Get a new look, new clothes, hair, etc. It always cheers you up ^^
4. Go out with friends for a fun day out, bowling, cinema, a meal, whatever you want
5. One of my personal favorites, and my plan for this year's Valentine’s Day, get together with a group of friends and watch chick flicks or if you're not that in to that kind of movies, action, horror, whatever you want really works too. Oh and don't forget, everyone should take some kind of fatty treat such as: donuts, brownies, cookies, cake, crisps, I think you get the gist.
6. Finally, spend it with your family, although I don't particularly think this is a good use of your Valentine's day, I've heard some people enjoy spending time with family members O.O

Remember these are only a couple of ideas, just remember it's a fun day, which gives you a great excuse to stuff your face with food that's bad for you, so take advantage of it!
If you are lucky enough to spend this day with your significant other, I wish you the best!
