jueves, 2 de junio de 2011


Human beings make mistakes. It's natural. We might forget to do our homework, we might snap back at our parents for no reason, we might even hurt someone's feelings or worse than that let someone down. A lot these thinks suck… by this I mean that making mistakes is not fun. There is no point however, in dwelling on how badly you messed up or how whatever you did is going to make your life a chaotic mess. Look, we all make mistake, the important thing is to know how to go about fixing them. There is no mistake you can't somehow put right.. Well… except if you killed someone or something, but I hope that doesn't apply to any of you… ok you get what I mean! So when you do make a mistake don't pretend it never happened but don't over react either. Try to learn from your mistakes and find a way to repair the damage… whether it be doing some extra credit work at school, talking to your parents or saying sorry to whoever you hurt.

Keep making mistakes,

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

End of the School year

The last couple of weeks before summer holidays are the worst. The stress of deadlines , final projects, desperately trying to get your grade up not to mention the dreaded final exams. You have to really focus on work and basically end up having no life. We are expected to study everything we have done for the past six months whilst also doing all the end of unit projects which will finalize our grades before the final exams; but so close to the holidays all I can do is daydream about what I’m going to be doing for those glorious eight weeks of freedom. I try to focus on work in class but after a couple of minutes I stare in to the distance and start thinking of all the fun things I want to do over the holidays. I really do try to study hard but I get distracted so easily and every little thing makes me thing of ending the year. I’ll be in class watching a video and I’ll say to myself: “focus, focus, focus, you need to know this for finals” and then a fly will fly past me and I’ll start to think about how cool it would be to fly and then how scary it would be, because I’m scared of heights then I’ll start to think of the times I’ve been the most scared, one of these being when I went caving during the January holidays. This will then lead me to start thinking about how nice it was to see my friends in Mexico on that holiday and how I will see them really soon. Then I’ll start to make plans for what we will do when I see them, these involve renting a bunch of movies, buying pizza, ice cream and brownies and eating. Suddenly a loud noise will be made and I’ll remember I was supposed to be watching the video because I'll need to know this stuff for the final exam but by this time I've missed a load of the video, so now I really try and concentrate. Then I'll see an ant randomly wondering around on my table and I'll start to think about how it got there and what a cool journey it must be... and I'm off again. So now I'm even more stressed because I have no idea what was on the video and I know I need to learn it for finals. So yea, this is a bit of a random blog about the stress of the end of the year and also how weird my mind is and how quickly I get distracted, I hope it didn't bore you,


Pro's and Con's of Blogging

I started this blog for English class, it's graded and we have to do a certain number of posts per month, or quarter. Sounds like a pretty cool class assignment right? Well, it's not always that cool. I do like blogging... Well... I prefer it to any other project we could have, but sometimes it kind of gets on my nerves. It's not as easy as it seems, sometimes I have no ideas what so ever. My mind is completely blank and I HAVE to write… but I can't, this means I waist hours just staring at a screen waiting for an idea to pop in to my head. This is definitely one of the negative sides of blogging, having to think of things to write about that could potentially be interesting on demand when I can't.
Blogging isn't all bad though, it can be a really good way to share your ideas with the world even if you know not many people will read it. When you feel like nothing could cheer you up, and you know you have to write a blog it actually makes you feel better, it's kind of like a way to release stress/ creative ideas and just your feelings and emotions in general. I really like having to do a blog, I know that it weren’t for the class I would probably stop doing it after two or three entries, so it's nice to be pushed to do it. In the long run I think it's nice to look back and see what you wrote about when you were younger and it does, even though I don't like to admit it, help develop our writing. So, in conclusion I like blogging. Yes, sometimes it can be a pain, but in my opinion it's the best class assignment we could have.


jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011


The word uhm is such a wonderful word. Some of you may be saying: "why V.vison, it sin't a word!" Well to you imaginary people from the internet I say.... stop being so smart and just bare with my sillyness for this blog. Ok, so back to the word uhm. Isn’t it amazing? I mean it starts with a u, ends in an m and in the middle goes an h. So simple yet it says so much. What would we do without the word uhm??? How would we fill awkward silences? How would we make oral presentations last longer without sounding like we have nothing else to say? Yes, we can all think of times when the word uhm comes in handy. I mean who hasn’t been in the awkward situation when a friend catches you off guard and asks your opinion about something which you clearly don’t agree with or don’t think is flattering on them (if it’s clothes) or if you really don’t think whatever they are about to do is a good idea and before saying straight away NO or making a disgusted face you say uhmmmm, maybe it this other thing would be better?
See! The word uhm gives you time to think so you don’t hurt you’re friends’ feelings. It also comes in handy when having to think of an excuse of something on the spot, all you do is say uhmmm until you think of something. Uhm is a life saver, it buys time, it saves friendships and it always, always avoids awkward silences. So dear people of the internet today’s blog was completely random and in honour of the word uhm. So answer today’s question in the comments below: What s you’re favourite word and why? (Made up words count.)


miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Holiday Challenges

Hello again, I know it's annoying for me to write all of my entries at once so I'll at least try and make this one a little more entertaining. :)

The spring holidays are coming up and again I'm going to Peru, to stay with friends and have an awesome time. To make this trip even more fun a friend of mine and I have already been planning so many things to do, I doubt I'll have time. Anyway, the most interesting of the things on our to do list are:

1. Cinnamon Challenge
2. Chubby Buddy
3. Saltine Cracker challenge

Ok, so we found these three game/ challenges on youtube, and we think they look awesome and hilarious, so of course we want to do them, film them and the laugh at how stupid we look. Ok so most of you, and by most I mean my 2 followers (jejeje) are probably wondering what these three gam/ challenges could be, so without further ado the three explanations:

First the saltine cracker challenge. This challenge even has a wikipedia page dedicated to it O.o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltine_cracker_challenge , so check that out It you want a more detailed description. The basic idea is to be able to eat a certain number of saltine crackers in under a minute. Crazy, I know but VERY funny. Here is an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y06g_mF10Y&feature=channel_video_title

Next up the chubby bunny challenge. This challenge involves a group of friends trying to stuff as many marshmallows as they can in to their mouths, and for each marshmallow they have to say the words "chubby bunny"... ok it sounds odd but you really have to see it to understand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLan5zLrp4&feature=relmfu

Finally the cinnamon challenge, the simplest of the three. The rules are to put a spoon full of cinnamon in your mouth and try and eat it without drinking anything. The video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBPFxUhXhmo&feature=channel_video_title

Ok... well after looking over them they don't look that good... actually they look like a TERRIBLE idea.... well it was fun to think of it anyway. If you do do any of these, please be careful and also comment bellow how it went! :D


It's tough being a teen

Isn't if odd how a relationship between two people can change so quickly, well at least when you're a teenager, I mean it probably happens when your older too but I think it's mostly when
your younger. In a high school for example, two girls who were best friends, suddenly become mortal enemies, or a guy and a girl who always claimed to be just friends turn in to something more over a couple of days, and then one day when all seemed to be good and fine, they aren't friends, or together, they don't even look each other in the eye. Sometimes the fast pace of how the relationship between to people changes is good, like when you suddenly talk to someone you never knew would have anything in common with you, but turn out to be awesome people and go from just acquaintances to great friends with in a matter of minutes. Other times however, it isn't such a good thing, like when two of your closest friends used to be the cutest couple ever and used to form a very important part of your group suddenly breakup when everything seemed to be going just fine and you are forced to pick a side... that always sucks and someone always gets hurt. With this change of feelings all the time no wonder it's so hard to be a teenager, our feelings change so quickly and we can't help it. I mean yea, being a teen can be awesome but it's also really tough emotionally, even those who don't admit it, those who plaster on a smile for the world and pretend they're fine yes those people also have a hard time being a teen. So please, if you are a parent or teacher or something understand when a teen suddenly acts differently, it's weird and is sometimes good other times bad but we can't help it! so please give us a break, we don't want to be on this emotional rollercoster and sometimes it really hurts. If you're a teenager then remember to try and keep calm and think your feelings through properly, try not to get angry too easily and don't bee to tough on your friends who are all going through the same sort of stuff. I hope this helps someone, it definitely helped me to realise I should really try and stop being so quick to change, and not only give my friends a break but also adults in my life who have to put up with me.

Hope everyone who reads my blog (so all of you 2 people :P ) are ok :)


martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Make someone's day :D

Hello, I'm sorry for not writing in such a long time, next time I promise I'll spread out my blog posts more!

Anyway, moving on, today I realized how small acts of kindness can change your mood completely. Take yesterday for example, my head hurt, I couldn't be bothered to do anything at all and felt like staying on my sofa and never getting up ever again... maybe only to go and get some food or something... and maybe, OK wait! Back to the point! Sorry ok, so the thing was that I felt terrible and really didn't want to do anything, but a friend fried from Mexico sent me a small e-mail just to say he missed me and couldn't wait to see me again. It changed my mood COMPLETELY; suddenly I was happy and felt like getting up and doing something. A simple e-mail saying someone missed me, made my day. I find it so weird, in a good way, how tiny things like a small e-mail, or a smile or a small compliment can completely change your mood and the way your day is going. It’s quite a nice thought actually, by doing something nice, no matter how small it may be, it can change someone’s day. So today, even if you are in a horrible mood, why not smile, send an e-mail to an old friend, or just help someone out with something, cheer up their day and you know that at some point someone will do the same for you.
