jueves, 2 de junio de 2011


Human beings make mistakes. It's natural. We might forget to do our homework, we might snap back at our parents for no reason, we might even hurt someone's feelings or worse than that let someone down. A lot these thinks suck… by this I mean that making mistakes is not fun. There is no point however, in dwelling on how badly you messed up or how whatever you did is going to make your life a chaotic mess. Look, we all make mistake, the important thing is to know how to go about fixing them. There is no mistake you can't somehow put right.. Well… except if you killed someone or something, but I hope that doesn't apply to any of you… ok you get what I mean! So when you do make a mistake don't pretend it never happened but don't over react either. Try to learn from your mistakes and find a way to repair the damage… whether it be doing some extra credit work at school, talking to your parents or saying sorry to whoever you hurt.

Keep making mistakes,