jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Time is valuable

Hey, I know my past entry was really cheesy, and if you didn’t like it, I suggest you don’t read this one either as it is also rather sentimental.
Love is a beautiful thing (see, I told you it would be super sentimental and emotional!) I don’t know this from experience as, to be honest, I have none; but as I walk down the street, sit in the park or just look out of my window I can see so many couples that are obviously deeply in love; young and old, laughing, talking, holding hands or just being together. I cant help but smile when I see someone look at their loved one completely smitten, or when a couple are surrounded by a large group of people but all they seem to see is each other. It warms my heart when I see families going out together, playing or just being a solid, united family that truly need each other, and fully appreciate their time together.
So, now you may be wondering why I’m writing about lovey-dovey, sickly, too sweet kind of stuff. You may be thinking to yourselves “aww is V.vison in Love?” well dear imaginary person asking yourself if I am in love, the answer is no, buu I know. The real reason for my writing about Love is to remind people to appreciate every moment they spend with their loved ones, because everything can change in an instant.
A couple of days ago I was unpacking all of my things that just arrived in Venezuela. There were approximately 12 boxes, just for my room (it took forever!) So as I was looking through my stuff I found a small envolope that could be unfolded and once opened turned out to be a card with a photograph on it. It was a letter that my parents had made when I was born to let relatives and family friends know about my birth. It included basic information such as my weight, size a photo and also a message written by my mum saying how they were spending more time as a family, they were happy and everything seemed to be looking up. Then I looked at the date. It was dated to a couple of weeks before my dad passed away. Suddenly it hit me how fast everything must have happened. I was born, then three months later my dad got what was thought to be a throat infection and one week later he died. I’m sorry to bring up such a morbid theme, and it’s not so that you feel sorry for me because I hate that, but it made me realize how important it is to appreciate every moment you have with the people you care for, whether it be friends, family, a significant other or someone you think is just a good person. Don’t be shy, or scared to say what you feel to someone, don’t hold grudges, take advantage of the time you have together and that way you will have no regrets, well maybe some but the thing Is that you won’t have wasted your time angry at someone or being to scared to express your feelings toward them.
Ok this post ran on a little long... as always. So I’ll stop here. I hope you enjoyed, and remember, take advantage of the time you have with people! It will be worth it!


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