lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010


Hello everyone, I'm sorry the last post was so short and not very interesting but I really couldn't think of anything else, luckily this time I have thought of something better to write about :) I hope you enjoy!

So I'm vegetarian; I often get asked about it and many people don't understand how or why or I don't eat meat, so this is just a shortish post about it to clear up any questions. Firstly I just want to say I'm not vegetarian because of some religious belief or anything, it's more just because I want to. I was raised vegetarian although I ate fish, but no other meat, however two years ago I decided to give up all meat (including seafood.) The reason I don't eat meat isn't because I'm not allowed to, my brother who was also raised vegetarian now eats anything, I have decided to stay vegetarian though because I don't think it is necessary to kill animals for food especially as there are so many substitutes for it nowadays. Something that people often associate with being vegetarian is that your either on a diet, or wont get enough protein and therefore won't grow properly (well at least this is what the majority of my mexican relatives believe) but this isn't true at all, I'm perfectly healthy... ok that's a lie but the only reason I'm not is because I'm lazy and do no exercise, but the point is i'm not starving, or super skinny. It's quite funny actually, my mexican family wasn't happy with my brother not eating meat, they told my mum he wasn't getting enough protein and it was an unhealthy lifestyle, the main reason they said this was because my brother is supper skinny and they wanted to blame that on the lack of meat in his diet. Soon they couldn't say that anymore as I was a huge baby and then was a big toddler and am now a normal sized teen and I eat no meat at all, where as my brother who eats anything is still incredibly skinny. So as you can see it has nothing to do with it. Now I'm not writing this to push anyone in to being vegetarian as it is a personal choice and I know how horrible it is for people to constantly be bothered by people trying to convince me to eat meat. I mean if you do decide to stop eating meat thats great, congratulations, or even if you just decide to give up on some types of meat that's also awesome! If you don't, thats also fine, it's your life and you decide how you live it =)

Here is a link to the PETA website: Check it out and try and help with the protection of animals in any way you can, not necessarily giving up on meat :)

Also if you are planning to become vegetarian but are struggling to find any good recipes look at these websites:

If you want to go even further and try some vegan food:

Hope you enjoyed, please comment below on any useful links, or any questions, or just to share personal experiences :)


Oh and by the way if you are vegan you are EPIC and you are an inspiration :)

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